Aromas are recorded in people’s olfactory memory and, in turn, create warm or cool atmospheres in rooms. For this reason, it is important to maintain correct home hygiene, to prevent bad smells from taking over the house and thus be able to enjoy a pleasant environment.
Bad Smells In The Home
Learning how to decorate the house is not a complicated task. It only requires putting into practice a few cleaning tricks that serve to improve the free flow of air each morning in the rooms. Thus, it is possible to avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors.
In addition, if the aromas mentioned are already present and ingrained in the rooms, then there are techniques that help to eradicate unpleasant odors easily. All this, with the purpose of turning the house into a welcoming place, where people feel comfortable from the moment they enter.
How to prevent the house from bad Smell?
Sometimes, an unpleasant odor is perceived at home with no apparent explanation. However, the answer may be simpler than expected. First of all, there is humidity present in the laundry room, kitchen, bathroom, and even in some poorly ventilated rooms. Likewise, we have intense odors caused by pets, which generally tend to shed a large amount of hair and dander. In addition, curtains, upholstered furniture, textiles, and the air in general, can smell bad because of tobacco smoke or the smoke from cooking food, especially in small homes.
The important thing is to identify the source of the bad smell and, whatever the situation, apply the corresponding cleaning treatment to enhance the good smell at home. Here are some effective ways to keep your house from smelling bad.
Clean and disinfect the floor
To keep the home free of bad smells, the main thing is to establish a cleaning routine, which begins by sweeping the floor with a traditional broom or with a vacuum cleaner, or an electric robot, among others. In this way, it is possible to remove all the dust, lint, crumbs, and dirt accumulated on said surface. This is a step that should be done every day.
Next, there is the disinfection of the floor, which is carried out with some type of mop or cloth impregnated with an antibacterial cleaning product. However, there are some highly effective home recipes such as vinegar and baking soda to clean floors, whose active properties remove stains and accumulated bacteria, while giving the environment a fresh and mild aroma.
In this sense, it is only necessary to mix these ingredients in a bucket with water, to proceed to clean the floor with the solution. It can be left to stand for 15 minutes for greater effectiveness, and then rinse with fresh water. Likewise, the exposure time will depend on the level of dirt that the area may have.
Similarly, there are those who prefer to use steam cleaners, which are more functional, since they allow cleaning the floor and furniture upholstery in less time, due to the fact that the equipment incorporates a series of brushes and nozzles.
combat humidity
Humidity is another factor that causes bad smells in the home, which can be found in the kitchen, due to incorrect drying of the utensils, once they have been washed. For its part, in the bathroom, there is the steam accumulated by the use of heaters, the remains of water in various spaces, as well as the clothes and robes that, together, cause a bad smell in the bathroom. Likewise, it highlights the humidity in the rooms caused by the lack of ventilation, by leaving the doors and windows closed throughout the day.
To start fighting all these humidity generators, it is advisable to place some pieces of charcoal or small containers with rice in the bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom. Thus, both the bad smell and the annoying humidity will gradually disappear.
With regard to bathroom textiles, it is important to wash them weekly, adding a measure of bicarbonate to the detergent, since it is an effective and economical home odor neutralizer.
Now, to avoid wondering how to neutralize strong odors in the sink area, you just have to pour a mixture of baking soda with vinegar and a tablespoon of salt. It must be left to act for a period of time not less than 30 minutes. For its part, the bad smell of the dishwasher will be eliminated with a small amount of vinegar.
Finally, for the humidity of the rooms, what is indicated is to allow the air to circulate freely. This is possible by opening the door and the window every day, for at least 15 minutes. In the same way, the rays of the sun will enter. In addition, this procedure is valid for the whole house.
Place air fresheners
After having cleaned, disinfected, and applied the measures to control the generation of humidity in the areas of the house with a bad smell, it is convenient to place some type of air freshener in the rooms. In this way, the whole house will acquire a pleasant aroma.
In this sense, there are electric air fresheners, which use formulas that are not harmful to human health. However, these devices base their operation on an alternate power source. This means that you not only have to invest in acquiring the device but also pay the increase in monthly electricity bills.
For this reason, many people consider natural products such as essential oils and incense to be the best home air freshener. Both have varied aromas: tangerine, cherry, cinnamon, lavender, and pine, among others. All of them, are designed not only to set the scene but also to create an atmosphere capable of improving people’s moods.
In addition, there is again the use of the Vaporetto as an air freshener and a vacuum cleaner, since they help purify the air and, therefore, control bad smells. In fact, some models allow the incorporation of essential oils in them to impregnate the aroma in the environment.